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Each qualified automotive transmission technician at Wades Auto Works understands that a transmission problem can confuse most people. Our transmission service and repair shop also knows that many people are interested in finding FREE auto repair help online. Fortunately, you can now ask a transmission technician online about any transmission problem repair or general auto repair question you have and a member of our shop will try to answer it. Also use this page for FREE online advice and tips about automatic transmission repair. Consider the Wades Auto Works website your transmission problem and auto repair online help answer resource. If you need transmission diagnostic assistance, a Wades Auto Works expert technician will answer your transmission problem repair or auto repair FAQ about maintenance and repair PDQ! So, if you need to fix, repair, inspect, or service your automotive car or truck problem, each expert technician at Wades Auto Works is ready to provide superior certified and qualified automotive transmission technician repair advice. So, throw away your automotive repair manual and ask your transmission problem question online now so our service staff of experts can help you.

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Lynne from Comox
I have been to Wade's a few times now. They were fast and very professional. The staff went the ext...
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ATRA Certified Technicians